Wednesday, August 17, 2011
A working woman
I got a job! I've been a stay at home mom since Ty was born, up until I started working at the YMCA in Oct 2010, but I really dont count that since it was only an hour a day, 4 days a week. anywho, I now have a real job working 40+ hrs a week. I'm welding for a small company that builds above ground storage tanks, drip pans, fences, and a few other odd and in things. So I work from 7a-330p with as much over time as i'd like to work. I probably wont be working any since i'll already be missing out on time with the boys, but its nice to know that its there if i ever need it. Its a great little company that is really family oriented. Since its so small, you dont get things like PTO or sick pay, BUT you can take off whenever you need to and they dont have any issues with it so thats a great plus, esp when you have kids!
Monday, August 15, 2011
Traveling Zachary
I dont know if you ever did a 'paper stanley' project in school, or even if you know what it is. Basically its a man on a piece of paper that you cut out, mail to family who lives out of state or in another city, and they take him with them to places they go and take pictures of him 'doing' the things they are doing. Like if they went to disney they would tape him to a ride and take a picture. make since? Well when Zachary got sick, his family decided to make a traveling Zachary. Well when this last space shuttle launched, Lisa (Zacharys mom) knew someone, who knew someone that knew one of the Astronauts that were going up into space, and that person gave the astronaut traveling Zachary to take with him/her (i'm really not sure if it was a guy or a girl). The Astronaut has a huge heart. not only did s/he take traveling Zachary on the shuttle with him/her, but they took this picture of traveling Zachary in the space station.
How awesome is this?! Although Lisa didn't receive the picture until after Zachary had passed, so Zachary never got to see it, the family very much appreciates this, and can probably never be more grateful to the astronaut who took this picture.

How awesome is this?! Although Lisa didn't receive the picture until after Zachary had passed, so Zachary never got to see it, the family very much appreciates this, and can probably never be more grateful to the astronaut who took this picture.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Austin Bound!

This week/weekend, I decided me and the boys would go and visit my Aunt and Uncle in Austin for the week/weekend. So we pack our bags on Tuesday and left out Wednesday morning. We stopped in Schulenburg and pick up GiGi and then booked it to Austin! We stayed through Friday when we came home. We had a blast! Ty absolutely loved swimming in their pool and sliding down the slide. I swear the boy has no fear! He was sliding down the slide and jumping from the side of the pool all by himself, and refused help swimming! Aunt Carry and GiGi had fun passing caleb back and forth and getting to snuggle him. Brooke and Brayden enjoyed getting to play with ty, up until ty didn't want to share their toys HAHA! we've really got to work on this sharing business.

Thursday, August 4, 2011
Sweet Zachary

"Losing you wouldn't be so hard to take, If heaven wasn't so far away"
Zachary passed away on Saturday June 30, 2011 around 6am. He was 8 years, 8 months and 3 days old. The visitation was on Monday August 1, 2011 from 5pm-8pm, and the funeral was Wednesday August 3, 2011 at 10am. The funeral was beautiful and the pastor did a great job. I don't think there was a single dry eye in the entire church. And even though we were all so saddened, the pastor was able to share some stories of Zachary's life that gave us laughter. He shared the story of Zachary's last moments which gave us peace that he wasn't in pain, and was on his way to heaven.Even though he didn't beat it in the way we would have hoped, he finally beat the cancer and can finally rest in peace. He is now looking down "from the holes in the floor of heaven" upon our entire family. He is the family's guardian angel.I was following a blog of a little 8 month old boy with a brain tumor who passed away in July, and the dad blogged something that has stuck in my head ever since, he said "At 3:50 P.M. Jamesie beat the tumor. We had our angel for eight months. That's a long time to spend with an angel." And i think that anyone who knew Zachary can attest that he was and still is our angle, and as this man said, the time we had with Zachary, 8 years 8 months and 3 days is a long time to spend with an angel. Some day, we will all see Zachary again, and until then he will continue to look down upon his family and give them guidance.
We love and miss you dearly, may you rest in peace.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Mason Jarrett Gann
Today we welcome Mason Jarrett Gann, son of Robin Shows and Steve Gann, into this world. He was born at 2:15pm, and 5lb 8 oz and 19 3/8 inches long.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Road Trip!!

On Thursday me and the boys headed out of town to go see a friend of mine who lives just outside of Lufkin. We left around 2, and got there around 4. The boys slept the entire time, thank god!! My friend has 2 boys of her own, one is 2 1/2 (a few days apart from Ty) and the other is 1 1/2. So her two plus my 2 meant for a house full! The boys had a blast though. They were typical 2 1/2 yr olds and would play fine one minute and argue over who got which toy the next. But overall it wasn't too bad! By the time we went home on Saturday, they were playing together fine and didn't want for us to leave.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011
What a weekend!
We had a great weekend! But let's start off where I last left off.
On Wednesday morning I dropped Ty off with my meme, and my grandma Cheryl, Papaw Wayne, Caleb and I went over to see the Whitakers. They absolutely adored the quilt that we had made! I'm so happy! And Zachary and Lisa just loved getting to 'visit' with Caleb.

I was supposed to have a play date after naps, but ended up completely spacing on what day it was by the time naps came around, so we never made it! Luckily the other Mom spaced to! That tends to happen when you have kids HAHA.
Thursday afternoon I was supposed to get Kylie and let her and Ty hang out for the day, but my mom never got back with me on when i could come and get her. I'm really hoping to get her one day next week though! It's been a little while since I've seen her.
Friday, not too much happened. It rained that afternoon, so that kind of put a hamper on any plans for playing outside.
Saturday paul had off of work and watched Ty for me while Caleb and I enjoyed going to Wal-mart to shop for some groceries. He napped in the moby wrap the entire time! But when we got home I put away the groceries while Paul and the boys 'hung out' by Ty's pool. I bought him a new water gun at the store and Paul was having fun showing him how to use it. After I got finished putting away the groceries, I put caleb down for a nap in the PnP, changed into something i didn't mind getting wet, and went outside and had a water war with the boys! We all had an absolute blast and I really wish that i could have gotten pictures of everything going on. That evening we went out to eat at Iguana Joes, came home and put the boys to bed and enjoyed a few movies and some pop corn!
Sunday we played it pretty low key at the house, and had some super yummy BBQ baked potatoes for dinner.
This week we are headed out to visit one of my besties! We will be leaving on Thursday and coming home on Saturday. She has 2 little boys, 2 1/2 yrs old and 1 1/2 yrs old! So those two along with my 2 1/2 yr old and my 6 week old should be interesting!!! I'm super excited to see them again, and get a ton of pictures! Also be looking forward to pictures from our 'After hours' band hero jammin' session!!
On Wednesday morning I dropped Ty off with my meme, and my grandma Cheryl, Papaw Wayne, Caleb and I went over to see the Whitakers. They absolutely adored the quilt that we had made! I'm so happy! And Zachary and Lisa just loved getting to 'visit' with Caleb.

I was supposed to have a play date after naps, but ended up completely spacing on what day it was by the time naps came around, so we never made it! Luckily the other Mom spaced to! That tends to happen when you have kids HAHA.
Thursday afternoon I was supposed to get Kylie and let her and Ty hang out for the day, but my mom never got back with me on when i could come and get her. I'm really hoping to get her one day next week though! It's been a little while since I've seen her.
Friday, not too much happened. It rained that afternoon, so that kind of put a hamper on any plans for playing outside.
Saturday paul had off of work and watched Ty for me while Caleb and I enjoyed going to Wal-mart to shop for some groceries. He napped in the moby wrap the entire time! But when we got home I put away the groceries while Paul and the boys 'hung out' by Ty's pool. I bought him a new water gun at the store and Paul was having fun showing him how to use it. After I got finished putting away the groceries, I put caleb down for a nap in the PnP, changed into something i didn't mind getting wet, and went outside and had a water war with the boys! We all had an absolute blast and I really wish that i could have gotten pictures of everything going on. That evening we went out to eat at Iguana Joes, came home and put the boys to bed and enjoyed a few movies and some pop corn!
Sunday we played it pretty low key at the house, and had some super yummy BBQ baked potatoes for dinner.
This week we are headed out to visit one of my besties! We will be leaving on Thursday and coming home on Saturday. She has 2 little boys, 2 1/2 yrs old and 1 1/2 yrs old! So those two along with my 2 1/2 yr old and my 6 week old should be interesting!!! I'm super excited to see them again, and get a ton of pictures! Also be looking forward to pictures from our 'After hours' band hero jammin' session!!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
fun in the sun!
Since today was a 'relaxing' day, Ty and I decided to hit the pool in the back yard while Caleb napped and Paul cooked supper before heading to work! We had a blast and Ty even had some friends join him in the water :)
At one point Paul came out and brought Ty some watermelon, and the dogs enjoyed some too! He even had a wait line.
He also love trying to slide backwards down the slide
And jumping
He also loved swimming like a fish and looking for air planes
he eventually got bored of all of that though, and decided it was time to jump on the trampoline
At one point Paul came out and brought Ty some watermelon, and the dogs enjoyed some too! He even had a wait line.
He also love trying to slide backwards down the slide
And jumping
He also loved swimming like a fish and looking for air planes
he eventually got bored of all of that though, and decided it was time to jump on the trampoline
Paul and I went to walmart yesterday to get a stamp pad to get Caleb's foot prints and a few other things. Well while we were there we let Ty pick out 2 new packs of big boy undies! Needless to say he wanted one of each and didn't care if they were his size or not, so we had to help him some! He ended up getting a pack of cars 2 ones, and a multi pack that had wall-e, finding nemo, incredibles, cars, and 3 other characters that I can't remember at the moment. When we got home, he couldn't wait to put them on!

but what happens when you allow a 2 year old to put on his own underwear?

he puts them on backwards!
We've got a semi busy week this week and today is probably our only down time for the week so I might not get a chance to update my blog for a little bit. Paul has court today for our wreck and we're really hoping that the judge rules in our favor. Tomorrow morning we are going to go give that blanket to the Whitakers, which is going to be a surprise for them, then in the afternoon we have a play date with a friend of mine and her 2yr old son, Thursday after naps we have a play date with my little sister, Kylie. And Friday and grandma Cheryl is going to come and watch the boys while I go back for my first day of work. It will be my first time leaving Caleb, so it should be interesting! Luckily it's not too long of a shift, from 10:30a-4p. So in the mean time I'll share with you what the boys are up to these days. (after I download all 954 pictures to this pc! ah!!)
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Houston we have a potty pooper!
So I completely forgot to blog about this the other day. On Tuesday, or maybe it was Wednesday i can't quite remember, Ty was playing with some cars in the kitchen as i was doing dishes, and he ended up pooping in the kitchen floor. YUCK. well since then he had been waiting to come out of his room in the morning until he pooped since he still had a diaper on. Well today he either didn't wait, or just simply didn't have to go. But just a few minutes ago, he was sitting on the couch and ran to the potty and pooped in the potty!!! He was so proud of himself! Paul and I are extremely proud of him as well! We have been working at potty training less than a week, and he's basically potty trained with the exception of nap and bed times when he still wears a diaper 'just in case'. We plan to do or get something for him to show him how proud we are of him this weekend.
Yesterday I had to go into work for a staff meeting so my grandma watched Ty, and I went ahead and took Caleb with me in the moby wrap, because i knew he would sleep the entire time. The new schedule came out for next week and had a few open shifts, so i picked up one next Friday. My official release date from the Dr. won't be until Aug 4th, but I'm going to pick up a few shifts here and there in-between so I can have a little extra spending money :) Now the real question is, when i go back to work 'officially' do I go back and continue at my current job which is pretty family friendly and flexible with that type of stuff, or do I go work as an EMT and use my schooling, get paid more, but have less flexibility in my scheduling? There's defiantly pro's and con's to both, but i guess i just need to sit down and make a list.
Yesterday I had to go into work for a staff meeting so my grandma watched Ty, and I went ahead and took Caleb with me in the moby wrap, because i knew he would sleep the entire time. The new schedule came out for next week and had a few open shifts, so i picked up one next Friday. My official release date from the Dr. won't be until Aug 4th, but I'm going to pick up a few shifts here and there in-between so I can have a little extra spending money :) Now the real question is, when i go back to work 'officially' do I go back and continue at my current job which is pretty family friendly and flexible with that type of stuff, or do I go work as an EMT and use my schooling, get paid more, but have less flexibility in my scheduling? There's defiantly pro's and con's to both, but i guess i just need to sit down and make a list.
Friday, July 8, 2011
I think.....
I think its safe to say we are officially done with diapers except for nap time and bed time! We were out of the house yesterday from 4-8:50 and not ONE accident! He went multiple times on the big potty while we were out, and even stopped playing with the other kids to tell me he had to go! I still try to remind him every now and then and will take him to go 'try' if i think it has been to long between him going. But if we are home he will go all on his own without prompting if he doesn't have pants on, other wise he needs help pulling them down. I am so proud of him! Paul and I are trying to think of a way to reward him for doing so well, that he will actually understand. Maybe we'll take him to toys r us or something and let him pick out a new toy, and tell him its for doing so good at going potty in the big boy potty.
Paul and I's 3 yr wedding anniversary is coming up this month, and I have no clue what I'm going to get him or what we will do. Caleb is still so young that I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving him, plus he is nursing so I want to keep saving my frozen stash for when i return to work. So that kind of limits our options on what we can go do. Maybe go out to eat as a family or something?
Paul and I's 3 yr wedding anniversary is coming up this month, and I have no clue what I'm going to get him or what we will do. Caleb is still so young that I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving him, plus he is nursing so I want to keep saving my frozen stash for when i return to work. So that kind of limits our options on what we can go do. Maybe go out to eat as a family or something?
Thursday, July 7, 2011
A blanket for the Whitaker's
My little cousin, Zachary (8yrs old) is dying from leukemia. About a yr ago he was diagnosed with Myeloid Dysplasia Syndrome (MDS) or the old man disease. It's pretty rare for a child to be diagnosed with it. He had a bone marrow transplant from a donor who was a match, and all was going well until around day 100 or so after the transplant when his body started to reject the transplant. We all hoped and prayed he would keep strong and be able to receive another transplant, this time from his mom. His mom went through the treatments, and even donated the marrow, when we learned that he was too weak to undergo another procedure. Unfortunately he isn't expected to make it, and at this point the only thing you can really do is accept it, and pray that he stays out of pain until God decides it's his time.
My Grandma Cheryl, my Meme, and I went in together, and we had a special blanket made for the family. The lady who made it did an absolute fantastic job on it and this picture doesn't do it justice. We plan to give it to the family next Thursday, and I hope they like it.
My Grandma Cheryl, my Meme, and I went in together, and we had a special blanket made for the family. The lady who made it did an absolute fantastic job on it and this picture doesn't do it justice. We plan to give it to the family next Thursday, and I hope they like it.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Potty Training
Ty is doing great with potty training! It seems like it just finally "clicked" with him, like oh hey this is what I'm supposed to be doing! Last night he went in his big boy potty, and today he has gone numerous times in his potty only having 1 minor accident. He even used the 'big potty' three times at home! Then we went out to get him ice cream for doing such a great job, and then to the grocery store, and he even used the restrooms there twice!
We decided that the places around Houston that are doing fire work shows would be more crowded than what its worth, so we are making ribs with some sides for dinner and rented some movies from red box.
We decided that the places around Houston that are doing fire work shows would be more crowded than what its worth, so we are making ribs with some sides for dinner and rented some movies from red box.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
1 month


Caleb is 1 month old today! The time is already flying by! Its also hard to believe that had i made it to my due date, i would just now be about 40 weeks.
Today Caleb slept through the night for the first time! He slept from 9:30pm-6:45am! I didn't expect that to happen until he was around 3 or so months old! So that's great!


Caleb is 1 month old today! The time is already flying by! Its also hard to believe that had i made it to my due date, i would just now be about 40 weeks.
Today Caleb slept through the night for the first time! He slept from 9:30pm-6:45am! I didn't expect that to happen until he was around 3 or so months old! So that's great!
Saturday, July 2, 2011
A 3 day weekend!
Its 4th of July weekend and Paul has 3 days off work! We're hoping to take Ty to go see some fire works, but because all of Houston is under a fire ban and fireworks are outlawed because of it, we figure most of the places around here that are doing shows will be packed, so we'll see. Other than that we really don't have plans for the weekend but to just hang out.
Paul finally got his truck back from the shop from where we wrecked it 6 weeks ago! He's really happy to have it back, but is now on a fix up spree now that the outside looks so nice haha.

He's wanting to get bucket seats for the front, with a center console separate (he has a bench seat right now), and redo the headliner, both of which need to be replaced anyways. The silly man also wants to go with a high lift! I think he's just determined to get it high enough were i can't get in anymore ;)
Paul finally got his truck back from the shop from where we wrecked it 6 weeks ago! He's really happy to have it back, but is now on a fix up spree now that the outside looks so nice haha.

He's wanting to get bucket seats for the front, with a center console separate (he has a bench seat right now), and redo the headliner, both of which need to be replaced anyways. The silly man also wants to go with a high lift! I think he's just determined to get it high enough were i can't get in anymore ;)
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