I dont know if you ever did a 'paper stanley' project in school, or even if you know what it is. Basically its a man on a piece of paper that you cut out, mail to family who lives out of state or in another city, and they take him with them to places they go and take pictures of him 'doing' the things they are doing. Like if they went to disney they would tape him to a ride and take a picture. make since? Well when Zachary got sick, his family decided to make a traveling Zachary. Well when this last space shuttle launched, Lisa (Zacharys mom) knew someone, who knew someone that knew one of the Astronauts that were going up into space, and that person gave the astronaut traveling Zachary to take with him/her (i'm really not sure if it was a guy or a girl). The Astronaut has a huge heart. not only did s/he take traveling Zachary on the shuttle with him/her, but they took this picture of traveling Zachary in the space station.

How awesome is this?! Although Lisa didn't receive the picture until after Zachary had passed, so Zachary never got to see it, the family very much appreciates this, and can probably never be more grateful to the astronaut who took this picture.
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