Wednesday, August 17, 2011
A working woman
I got a job! I've been a stay at home mom since Ty was born, up until I started working at the YMCA in Oct 2010, but I really dont count that since it was only an hour a day, 4 days a week. anywho, I now have a real job working 40+ hrs a week. I'm welding for a small company that builds above ground storage tanks, drip pans, fences, and a few other odd and in things. So I work from 7a-330p with as much over time as i'd like to work. I probably wont be working any since i'll already be missing out on time with the boys, but its nice to know that its there if i ever need it. Its a great little company that is really family oriented. Since its so small, you dont get things like PTO or sick pay, BUT you can take off whenever you need to and they dont have any issues with it so thats a great plus, esp when you have kids!
Monday, August 15, 2011
Traveling Zachary
I dont know if you ever did a 'paper stanley' project in school, or even if you know what it is. Basically its a man on a piece of paper that you cut out, mail to family who lives out of state or in another city, and they take him with them to places they go and take pictures of him 'doing' the things they are doing. Like if they went to disney they would tape him to a ride and take a picture. make since? Well when Zachary got sick, his family decided to make a traveling Zachary. Well when this last space shuttle launched, Lisa (Zacharys mom) knew someone, who knew someone that knew one of the Astronauts that were going up into space, and that person gave the astronaut traveling Zachary to take with him/her (i'm really not sure if it was a guy or a girl). The Astronaut has a huge heart. not only did s/he take traveling Zachary on the shuttle with him/her, but they took this picture of traveling Zachary in the space station.
How awesome is this?! Although Lisa didn't receive the picture until after Zachary had passed, so Zachary never got to see it, the family very much appreciates this, and can probably never be more grateful to the astronaut who took this picture.

How awesome is this?! Although Lisa didn't receive the picture until after Zachary had passed, so Zachary never got to see it, the family very much appreciates this, and can probably never be more grateful to the astronaut who took this picture.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Austin Bound!

This week/weekend, I decided me and the boys would go and visit my Aunt and Uncle in Austin for the week/weekend. So we pack our bags on Tuesday and left out Wednesday morning. We stopped in Schulenburg and pick up GiGi and then booked it to Austin! We stayed through Friday when we came home. We had a blast! Ty absolutely loved swimming in their pool and sliding down the slide. I swear the boy has no fear! He was sliding down the slide and jumping from the side of the pool all by himself, and refused help swimming! Aunt Carry and GiGi had fun passing caleb back and forth and getting to snuggle him. Brooke and Brayden enjoyed getting to play with ty, up until ty didn't want to share their toys HAHA! we've really got to work on this sharing business.

Thursday, August 4, 2011
Sweet Zachary

"Losing you wouldn't be so hard to take, If heaven wasn't so far away"
Zachary passed away on Saturday June 30, 2011 around 6am. He was 8 years, 8 months and 3 days old. The visitation was on Monday August 1, 2011 from 5pm-8pm, and the funeral was Wednesday August 3, 2011 at 10am. The funeral was beautiful and the pastor did a great job. I don't think there was a single dry eye in the entire church. And even though we were all so saddened, the pastor was able to share some stories of Zachary's life that gave us laughter. He shared the story of Zachary's last moments which gave us peace that he wasn't in pain, and was on his way to heaven.Even though he didn't beat it in the way we would have hoped, he finally beat the cancer and can finally rest in peace. He is now looking down "from the holes in the floor of heaven" upon our entire family. He is the family's guardian angel.I was following a blog of a little 8 month old boy with a brain tumor who passed away in July, and the dad blogged something that has stuck in my head ever since, he said "At 3:50 P.M. Jamesie beat the tumor. We had our angel for eight months. That's a long time to spend with an angel." And i think that anyone who knew Zachary can attest that he was and still is our angle, and as this man said, the time we had with Zachary, 8 years 8 months and 3 days is a long time to spend with an angel. Some day, we will all see Zachary again, and until then he will continue to look down upon his family and give them guidance.
We love and miss you dearly, may you rest in peace.
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