Friday, February 17, 2012

A year in the life of a 2 year old

So I thought it would be fun to post some of the funny things Ty said or did when he was 2. Starting on the day of his second birthday, going through until the day of his third birthday, here are some of the things i wrote down.

  1. I was peeling Ty an orange this morning and he points at the peelings and says "trash dear
  2. Ty must have really liked breakfast this morning. He said "thank thank thank you. It yummmmmmy!"
  3. Ty brought me his cup and asked for "more sips" so I go downstairs, refill his cup and come back up and he says "oh there you is!!!"
  4. Ty: "oh mommy come here" Me:"yes buddy" Ty:"oh no what happened?" Me:"you pooped that's what happened, Geeze kid" Ty:"haha yea I stink"
  5. Ty woke me up at 2am to pick his nose, Wth?!! Today should be an interesting day.
  6. Ty seems to think farting on the toilet deserves a piece of candy, which has now made me late for work :/
  7. Ty: "oh no, what happened?" Me: "you know what happened" Ty: " TY spilled it!" Me: "well tell Ty to pick it up"  Ty: "TY PICK IT UP" as he runs in the opposite direction
  8. Watching dancing with the stars and Ty is telling me that they are doing the hot dog dance lol!
  9. Ty: mommy where'd the ball go? Me: I don't know go find it Ty: ball where are you? Oh I can't find it, you go find it mommy. He didn't even look for it! He just called out for it, haha
  10. Me: Ty what do you want for breakfast? Ty: ummm chocolate milk chicken.
  11. Ty: mommy more chocolate milk please. Me: you'll get more at bed time. So he brings me his sippy cup, the chocolate syrup, and a milk carton. I guess that means he wants some now huh? Lol
  12. Ty: mommy put brother on the bicycle? Me: no brother is to little, let's put him in his bed.  So he puts the bicycle in the pack n play
    Ty: there you go brother, there's your bicycle
  13. Me: Ty do you want to go with mommy to her work and play or do you want to go to memes and swim? Ty: umm no, I go to Reagan and reed.
  14. Ty: I did it! I cleaned the bicycle! So I walk over there... He "cleaned" his bicycle by peeing on it. Ugh, I hate potty training!
  15. Me: Ty Preston you can either go to sleep right now or get a spanking! Ty: ummm a spanking. 
  16. me: i love you bugger ty: i love you too me: i know i love you more ty: love you most mommy:)
  17. ty hit me in the head with a toy airplane, and when i said "ow" he said "your ok mommy, dust off" geeze thanks kid
  18. ty "hey what do you think your doing" me "cleaning, what do you think your doing" ty "making a mess"
  19. Me: I love you Ty. Ty: love you too. Me: I love you more. Ty: I love you most daddy. 
  20. Me: Ty is almost time for nap time, then mommy going to go get her toes done. Ty: I don't care I no want the toes done. I no want night night.
  21. Me: Ty what's daddy doing? Ty: um he's down stairs. Me: go tell him to start dinner. Ty: (stand at the top of the stairs and yells down) hey babe daddy, you cook that dinner now!
  22. Me: ty what do you want for Christmas? Ty: um how about an incredibles Christmas tree. 
  23. Me: Ty say asta maƱana (sp). Ty: I'm all done!
  24. Watching the ama's. Ty: mommy I no want to watch music. Its Ty's turn. Me: well mommy wants to watch music. What should we do?
    Ty: um... How about the fresh beat band? 
  25. Coooold! 630 this morning Ty comes into my room "mommy I get in your bed it's cold. Let's watch tv" we stay in bed watching tv. 745 caleb wakes up an Ty says "brother you stay in your bed. It's cold and I'm in mommys bed"
  26. Ty just learned how to pick a locked door with a screw driver... :/
  27. me: ty it's almost time for nap time. ty: no i dont want to go nighty nighty! i want pancakes!

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